Food Rule #20
"It is not food if it arrived through the window of your car."
This is one rule that I do not struggle with.
I am not drawn to fast food places.
The last time I had Sonic I was traveling and I had a Cherry Lime aid and some of those tater tots
with the chili on them.
The tater tots left a bad taste in my mouth, as did the drink. I felt sick for eating that meal.
That was it. I never wanted to go there again. And I haven't.
Traveling is tricky.
Food Rule #57
"Don't get your fuel from the same place
your car does."
All I will need to do is avoid the Gardetto's.
Gardetto's are so salty and yummy and they my traveling food.
Next week when we go to Omaha, I will stay out of the gas station.
I will follow rule #57.
No problem o