Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 7

What about exercise, you ask?

In the last week I have ridden my bike twice and gone for a one hour walk.
The walk killed my left knee. It hurt after ten minutes, but I kept going.

Riding the bike does not hurt very much at all. I am encouraged to stick with that.

I have searched for and found the five pound weights we had in the house.
Last night I lifted and hoisted those for a few minutes.

But they have been dusted off. That is my start.

Part of the reason I have started this project is because I feel so out of shape.
In May I participated in a 5K. (Brain Cancer Walk)
It was a very slow stroll, but I was in pain before we even started the walk from standing around for a few hours.

This is just pathetic.


In 2007 I walked every day for 115 days. It was my version of a streak.
I did this so that I could keep up with my husband, daughter and her friends as we toured Paris, Florence and Rome.

And I did it! I was never tired nor was I sore. It was me who coaxed our group to climb the 400+ steps to the top of St. Peter's dome.

I was not much thinner than I am now. But I had endurance.
That was because of the streak.

I want to get back to that place. It was only three years ago. I know it is possible.

Losing weight will help with the pain in my knees. I am sure of it.
Exercising will be the key to losing the weight. I am sure of that too.

This week was a rather weak start as far as exercising but I am not going to be too hard on myself,
I have made many amazing choices and changes so far.

Exercising will come.
